Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why is bandwidth in the US so slow?

Why is bandwidth in the US so slow?
I currently have Verizon FiOS which is great, but when I go to my friend's apartment a couple miles away, he is on DSL with a latency that is high enough to make me puke. It is not just his problem, I am aware that this is a national problem. Even though the Obama administration pledged money for bandwidth, I am still wondering why ISP's have not upgraded their lines to fiber, installed new servers, etc etc to help improve bandwidth like in South Korea?
Other - Computers - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
comcast is a biotch
2 :
Cause America would rather fight wars than improve her self. Did you see this though? Maybe we will get some of this soon.