Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To those of you who oppose health care reform with a vengeance...?

To those of you who oppose health care reform with a vengeance...?
Can you tell me what 'freedoms' or 'rights' you may have lost under this bill? What it has taken away from you on a personal or financial level as of this minute? Did you lose your citizenship status? Did the United States suddenly change its name to "United Soviet Socialist Republic" overnight? Are we now a part of Communist China? North Korea? If it hasn't, what are you deathly afraid of? Progress? Change? Living in the 21st century instead of the 19th? Because what I see is this: You either make too much money or not enough, and yet you *complain* that having health care reform and having to pay for coverage will just make things *worse*! Worse for *who*...? Worse for those whom spent themselves into debt trying to live the high life? Or those of us whom can't budget responsibly and want everyone else to support them out of habit or blind sympathy? If you believe that buying an expensive car, and expensive house, and all the fancy materialistic garbage that clutters and fills your place of residence is more *important* to you than having affordable health care, then why should you be the first in the line to *complain*? After all, you don't *care*. You simply want the money for yourself to do whatever you damn well please! It's not *you* that we are worried about... But that's not a loss of freedoms or rights. When the government proposes legislation that allows them to spy on you without just cause, wiretaps your phones, bugs your computers, and searches your premises without the proper warrants...? *That* is a loss of rights and freedoms! That is fascism! When the government goes against the people for the sake of weeding out whatever "enemy" they think is hiding amongst us, then we have a serious problem that should be openly addressed. But when the government comes along to address an issue that has been plaguing this country for decades...? It's not evil. It's not intruding on your privacy, it's not telling you what to do and how to live, and it certainly is not robbing anyone of their Constitutional rights! What it is doing is getting the people organized and on a plan to better health and affordability. Why would you be against being more healthy and having an affordable insurance plan that offers better coverage than what you have before? For those of us whom can't live within our means, it's going to be a hellish nightmare come to life--including those corporate businesses whom now have to start *paying* more coverage for their work forces. Oh, yes, they are going to go on about how it may bankrupt their precious bottom lines, sap a tenth of their overall profit margins every year, but those of us whom work for these types are going to be a little more secure in the knowledge that Big Business is finally getting put on notice and on the path to greater responsibility for their people; instead of being financially reckless and arrogant. For those of us whom need this kind of reform, we're going to be very happy. We are going to have what we dreamed out! And while the legislation and its 'fixer-bill' companion isn't perfect, it is the right step towards equality for all. Better health care, lower costs, less waiting in the emergency rooms, and no more lapses in coverage or 'droppings'--because we are either sick or have become sick. Thoughts?
Politics - 16 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They lost the right to die of preventable diseases.
2 :
CAN YOU TELL ME HOW MUCH IN TAXES YOU PAY????? I thought so, nice try
3 :
Do you have a Reader's Digest version?
4 :
amen sister
5 :
Read the 10th amendment and try again!!! the amendment can be found under a search of the constitution!!!
6 :
You have lost the freedom to choose not to purchase a product. Now if you do not purchase the product you pay a penalty. Never in this nation's history has the commerce power been used to require a person who does nothing to engage in economic activity. Therefore, no decision of the Supreme Court has ever upheld such a claim of power. Such a regulation of a "class of inactivity" is of a wholly different kind than any at issue in the Court's most expansive interpretations. A mandate to enter into a contract with an insurance company would be the first use of the Commerce Clause to universally mandate an activity by all citizens of the United States. Today, even voting is not constitutionally mandated. But, if this precedent is established, Congress would have the unlimited power to regulate, prohibit, or mandate any or all activities in the United States. Such a doctrine would abolish any limit on federal power and alter the fundamental relationship of the national government to the states and the people. For this reason it is highly doubtful that the Supreme Court will uphold this assertion of power. It goes far beyond "health care". There would be no limit on the power of the Federal government and the people do not need to open that Pandora's box.
7 :
I fully support access to the health care provider of one's choice, but I do not support the structure of this health insurance bill one bit--it violates basic medical ethics and creates punative laws for non-conformists. It violates basic tenents of medical ethics. It violates basic "autonomy" which is supposedly an ethic in all medical professions in the USA. It's falsely constructed--and completely misleads the public as "universal principles". It's completely miscontructed, illogical, unethical and dangerous.
8 :
Thoughts? Backroom deals, deals with big Pharma, deals with unions, deals with lobbyists, deals with congress to win votes. Sorry, but Fascism isn't my idea of a 'good deal' for this country. They should have scrapped it and started over. Is it any wonder that well over half of this country has no faith or trust in our government? Oh, one more fact, for those who use Bush as every single excuse. I'm not a Republican and I'm not a Bushbot.
9 :
what makes you think the care you get will be better? in fact I bet it will be dulled down to quick patch up and off you go waiting times shortened what are you fookin nuts
10 :
I have lost my right to maintain my citizenship without having to purchase a private industry product. Where does it say in the Constitution that my liberty is subject to buying anything from a private company? And since you're obviously quite young, YOU have lost your financial future, and you don't even know it yet. Boohoo for you when you do. I wish I was around to play the violin. You will lose the greatest system of care on the planet. You will sit in much longer lines, much shorter doctor attention, the loss of innovation, the latest drugs, procedures and treatments, and severely rationed care. And all of this is UNAVOIDable, regardless of the thinking points you regurgitate.
11 :
The one big one is that it is . Forcing all the people to get an health care insurance policy Or get fined . And the majority of America lives under the poverty level . Get away from the big city and ya will see how America lives . And ta make every body have a insurance when they don't want it . Is kind of bring the mandatory insurance law to drive a car to a whole new level . American people will be insurance poor . If the car insurance of an 18 year old don't break the bank the health care one will .
12 :
you should save this question till you hit 35........equality for all is a myth...I do not want to pay for you and if you are smart you do not want to pay for me....kiddo,this bill is about population control.......
13 :
14 :
I can only speak for myself, but I am against the government telling me what I have to spend my money on. Against them forcing me, by way of fines, to purchase their product, or any other product. That is unconstitutional. If someone has worked hard and has a lot of money, they have the right to spend it on fancy cars and houses. They shouldn't be forced by the government to spend it on what someone else thinks they should spend it on. Whether you agree with how they spend their money or not, it's none of your business, and it certainly is not the government's. “A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” – Thomas Jefferson
15 :
I lost the right to choose whether or not I should buy a product. not the government is forcing me against my will to buy a product that I don't want. Since when did this become OK. also fyi: what state has a similar program regarding health insurance? I'll give you a hint, it is the same state that has the fast growing health care premiums in the country. Massachusetts, that's right it also cost nearly 4 times more than they projected. now apply that to this national plan & tell me it's a good thing.
16 :
Interesting question, and interesting points as well. I agree with you completely!!! We need Health care reform badly. The Bill is not perfect, it's not great but it is a start. Who would deny that people need help, due to preexisting conditions,lose their insurance when they lose their job, or lose their insurance if they get sick?? I see no compassion at all, and that is not a good thing at all.... Your points are well taken! I could go on and on, but you said it well.......

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Now that Congreswoman Giffords is shot over healthcare, should we repeal healthcare?

Now that Congreswoman Giffords is shot over healthcare, should we repeal healthcare?
The new Healtcare Bill basically comes down to this: as a country we're giving more money to poorer people, so that they remain healthier and don't die, so they are able to be good consumers and buy all the stuff rich folks make for them. This redistribution of wealth (which workes wel in Canada, China, New Zealand, Japan, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Australia, Mexico, Hungary, Poland, Republic of Korea, Chile, Slovenia, and yes also in Israel and these United States, although they are in complete denial about it), has upset a lot of Corporate-elite-class people and middle class people, and some of these are so upset, that they are resorting to violence. Isn't it time to admit that, IF giving poor people drives some rightwingers to murder Congresswomen, then we have made a mistake, and we should repeal it. Everyone cares for poor people but if anti-government ReichWingers start killing people over it, it's not worth it. Oh yeah, and Loffner is not a liberal, government haters come strictly from the Repub ReichWingers. Isn't a good rule of thumb, that if people get murdered, we should do something else? What yall think, is dead congreswomen worth the Health Care Bill?
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
You have zero idea for the reasons behind this shooting.
2 :
she got shot by a nut case. Nothing more, nothing less. We are going to consider altering our legislative process because some nut with a gun says so? Ridiculous!
3 :
No. Why let one very sick person make a decision for an entire nation?
4 :
Kennedy took a stand against Communism and was shot by a deranged Communist sympathiser. Did he make a mistake?
5 :
Edward Kennedy devoted his entire life to the Health Care Bill. The Clintons tried to pass health care. This legislation has been bitterly fought for throughout many years. We don't even know why Giffords was shot. But for the record--Health Care is a landmark bill. It's historical. It'll provide everyone with access to health care, and our government will finally start acting like everyone has the right to life. Yes, this event was tragic. But one seriously disturbed individual should not cost us a bill that will save millions of lives.
6 :
So she was shot over heathcare ?so that must mean he is a Tea Party member,the left is for healthcare. SHE WAS SHOT BECAUSE A NUT HAD A GUN!!
7 :
If people get murdered we should do something else? You are an idiot. Your family must be so proud.
8 :
"Isn't a good rule of thumb, that if people get murdered, we should do something else? What yall think, is dead congreswomen worth the Health Care Bill?" Hmmm Let me think about that. With that logic, African Americans should not be able to vote, go to college or ride in the front of the bus Heck, they should still be slaves We should have let hitler take over in ww2 We should have let iraq invade kuwait We should let al keida force the rest of the word to convert to their version of Islam... No. That logic is quite wrong.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Can you make 10 headlines about he following: Even just a few would help!! Spread of Independence Korean War African Independence Vietnam War Communist Revolution in Cuba Terrorist Attacks (Spetemeber 11, 2001) Here's some info. if you need it: Spread of Independence Between 1945 and 1962, many nations in Asia and Africa achieved freedom from Western influence. After WWII, many Jews returned to Israel, their Jewish homeland. Palestinian Arabs resisted this “invasion.” In 1947, the United Nations voted for separate Jewish and Palestinian states. War ensued almost immediately between Arabs and Israelis. Israel won and expanded the borders into Arab held land. Thousands of Palestinians became refugees. There have been numerous wars and intermittent peace in this region since the establishment of Israel. Korean War After WWII, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel line. The Soviet Union occupied the north and the United States had troops in the south. North Korea became a communist nation called the Democratic People’s Republic. South Korea became a democratic nation called the Republic of Korea. In 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea. The United Nations sent troops, mostly from the United States, to intervene and help defend South Korea. Chinese troops joined the North Koreans. The UN troops forced the Koreans and the Chinese back behind the 38th parallel. In 1953, an armistice was signed by both sides. African Independence By 1980, almost all African countries became free from European rule. Libya and Egypt were both independent by 1952. In 1957, Ghana, led by Kwame Nkrumah, became the first Sub-Saharan African country to gain independence. This inspired the Kikuyus of Kenya, led by Jomo Kenyatta, to gain independence from Britain in 1963. Although South Africa gained independence from Britain in 1934, the fight against apartheid, or racial separation, was ongoing. Under the pressure of western nations, apartheid was reformed and eventually outlawed in 1994. Vietnam War The Vietnam War was one of the most controversial conflicts in the history of America. In the early 1950s, the French fought to gain back control of Vietnam and were defeated in 1954. The war between Vietnam and France was called the First IndoChina War. The Geneva Accords were the peace negotiations following France's defeat. The agreement split Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam, wanted Vietnam to be united and independent of outside control. He wanted it to be a communist-ruled country. The United States supported South Vietnam, a non-communist nation, with troops and money to avoid the spread of communism. American troops began arriving in Vietnam in 1961. At that time, the troops were called "advisors" and were not intended to be in combat. Year after year, more and more American troops were sent to Vietnam. In 1973, the U.S. withdrew troops after a cease-fire agreement was signed. The North Vietnamese troops took over South Vietnam completely by 1975 and formed the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1976. Communist Revolution in Cuba In 1959, Fidel Castro led a revolution against the Cuban dictator, Fulgencio Bautista, and set up a communist government. A communist nation aligned with the Soviet Union, just 90 miles off the coast of Florida, made American leaders uneasy. The U.S. involvement in the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 were results of this tension. Terrorist Attacks On September 11, 2001 members of the terrorist group al-Qaeda, hijacked 4 passenger jets. Two jets were intentionally crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, one into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and the fourth crashed in Pennsylvania. Approximately 3000 people died. The U.S. government then led the War on Terrorism. Afghanistan and Iraq were deemed the heart of terrorist activity and the United States invaded. The United States Department of Homeland Security was formed to coordinate counter-terrorism activities. The USA Patriot Act was also enacted to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and to deter and punish terrorist acts in the U.S. and around the world. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! 10 POINTS FOR THE BEST ANSWER!!! :)
Homework Help - 2 Answers
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1 :
Terror in the Twin Towers Cuba Communism to Crash Sorry only 2 I could think of, hope it helps!
2 :
Independence is achieved as Jews succeed in forming state of Israel Clash between Jews and Palestinians leave Middle East in Turmoil In the wake of a Cease Fire US troops in Vietnam Withdraw In parts of Africa Racial Seperation Casts a Black cloud over recent independence In Africa Racial Seperation reform comes slow but steady to win the race

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What do Republicans and labor unions have against poor people?

What do Republicans and labor unions have against poor people?
I'm embarassed to admit that I'm a Republican, but I share many of the Democrats' viewpoints... But it seems that the GOP is determined to turn the USA into a "China clone" or "North Korea clone", where ONLY one political party is allowed to exist, abortion is a federal offense punishable by death to the mother AND the doctor, and ALL media outlets must broadcast ONLY the GOP viewpoints everyday...whereas also every home must have a picture of the POTUS in every room, and ALL political candidates for any office must ignore the pleas of the homeless at all times...homeless people are to be jailed for "tarnishing the image of the Republic", and only if you make enough money to live with a family of four AND a dog, then you can legally vote...cats are forbidden as "family pets"... Labor unions have it going easy for them:they threaten major physical violence against ANYONE who dares to oppose THEIR viewpoints, whether it be mayors, governors, or those idiots, it's "THEIR way or the highway!"...they control the voting blocs throughout Michigan, West Virginia and Pennsylvania, and declare war on any talk-radio host who dares to argue w/ them... Why is it that it's ONLY the GOP that has a say about every aspect of life, and to heck with poor folks, who have more of a say on their future? Please explain, and NO "Rush Limbaugh"-like snotty answers, OK? All you morons:I'm a l;iberal Republuican, and proud of it...I don't do "lock-step" rules like the GOP "old-school" traditionalists want me to do!...So there! Jamie, you are weird...most RepibliCreeps are "closeted patriots" who spit out their racist viewpoints to those in Topeka, Colorado Springs and Tupelo(at least those morons who will listen!)... Mackenzie, I almost gave you a thumbs-up, then I saw the result! sad that to be a RepubliCreep is to be a radical specializing in intolerance for ANYTHING that doesn't go THEIR way! All others so far, listen to Michaela's thoughts on what I said and start going along with the program... I am right on the "China/North Korean" clone viewpoint... How sad that it ends up being like this, having to prove your loyalty to the GOP and being racist at the same time by boycotting ANY foreign-cusine restaurant...and socially shunning anyone who dares to think differently...
Other - Politics & Government - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Conservatives are right. You are wrong. Once you accept that fact, all things fall into place.
2 :
Umm, the majority of the unions out there vote democrat. So you are saying both parties hate poor people...even though you provide no evidence to back your claim. BTW, I am a Conservative. I am in a union. And I do give to charities which help the homeless. You fail.
3 :
If you're a Republican then I'm the spokesman for Bud Light.
4 :
A Republican? I don't think so. You sound like a whiny, misguided, uninformed liberal spouting more B.S. propaganda about what republicans think. Based on what you have represented, it is apparent you would not know what republicans think.
5 :
Republicans do care about the poor. The thing is we don't avderise are selfs as that we belief in private charity. What progressive dems want to do is redistribute the wealth not help people. Also abortion is a very sticky issue remember that. First off only 1 in 6 women have been sexually asullted. That is not the same as rape so it is a very low persentage of rape victem. So if you really want to not be at risk birth control pills even if you are not active. Any other things there is no excuse for getting impregnated. (hope I was not to factual based for you liberals)
6 :
Like Monty said:NO snotty answers! I'm w/ you on this one, Monty...I voted against CA's Proposition 8 last year, and was promptly--and socially--shunned by friends for my stance!.. I believe you on all viewpoints you are NOT a moron who listens to Air America(now that it's off the air for good, to the sadistic delight of the GOP), you believe in what YOU know, hence you like Alex Jones!...good for you, Monty...stand up for freedom and truth!...tell the GOP morons that they DON'T control you!
7 :
dont claim to be a republican ,we are patriots and want the best for this great nation
8 :
As a democrat, I seem to be your mirror-image. They appear to want independence for poor people, to avoid having socialism as part of our government (like us blue dog democrats). Your exaggerations are just silly. they don't help your point. DO try again with less silliness, because you bring up a good point: The dangers of imitating China or North Korea, the dangers of one political party dominating our country. The rest of it is just nonsense. Argument by exaggeration shows three things: Your ignorance of the actual topics; Your disdain for the intelligence of those you speak to; Your lack of any desire or effort to actually analyze the situation as it is. Do this again, but until you do make an effort to really understand the situation in other than "sound bytes" and political bigotry, you will get a lot of "snotty answers". That's all you've offered us in this question.
9 :
Man, you really want is t believe your a republican? Where are you a republican? Ca?