Saturday, September 28, 2013

why is our country poor?

why is our country poor?
Rather it's Japan, China, U.S., German, Europe, anywhere. How come the economy is bad???? Why can't the government just pour money to everyone, so everyone becomes rich???? Isn't money everything? If I was president of a country, i would give everyone 10 million dollars, and the whole world will be happy.... I mean, I heard if u do that, the value of money will drop.. but why does it HAVE to drop?? Can't we make it... not drop??? Also, i don't get why there's teams around countries. like U.S. is teamed up with South Korea and stuff... and why other countries are united with other countries... Humans are humans isn't it? How come we can't all live in harmony??
Government - 7 Answers
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1 :
because we have 2 corrupt partys out of ideals and out of ethics they are both corrupt and real change , massive change is needed from our corrupt broken SYSTEM vote 3rd party to save america
2 :
We can only do that once we begin taxing the billionaires again. George Bush signed a bill in 2002 that cut their taxes, leaving the burden on us. Spread the wealth, that's the only way people like us will ever become "rich," as you say. You should read Noam Chomsky, my man.
3 :
Please take Economics 101 and answer your own question.
4 :
5 :
6 :
If everyone has $10 million then the value of having that much money greatly depraciates. It is simple supply and demand. Everyone has lots of money, so prices can go up (because there is the supply of cash to meet this demand). So then everything costs considerably more than it does now, therefore $10 million becomes equivalent to having $100. Look at hyper inflation cases in Argentina and Zimbabwe of late (gives an example of when currency becomes irrelevant). Poor countries aren't "poor" because of the money either (well not solely). Education, political structures (corruption), foreign debt, lack of resources (wealth within the country), etc etc all contribute to the status of a nation.
7 :
Expanding on what mintie_boy said, The dollar is a Fiat currency. Nothing is backing its value. So the dollars value is mostly dependent on the amount of dollars in circulation. The more dollars you put in to the system the lower the value becomes until it reaches an equilibrium. In order to make the value not drop you would either A have complete control of the prices in every industry or B back the dollar up with something of value that won't depreciate in large quantities. B will not necessarily prevent prices from rising. As to teams of countries as you put it, there are multitudes of reasons why some countries align with others. A few would be sharing certain ideals, goals or complaints...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Please help me with dividing paragraphs?

Please help me with dividing paragraphs?
I'm a South Korean teenage girl learning English as my second language. There was a writing assignment in my school and I have trouble dividing the paragraphs into intro, body and conclusion. Please help me. My essay topic is: What are your opinions on world trade and globalization? My essay: Let’s say that you are an orange farmer in South Korea, and, you are just starting up your first business. You aim to market domestically and will be able to employ over 50 laborers. What problems will you face? You would be worried about competition from South Asia and Africa, especially plantations in Philipines or Indonesia, because that’s where climates are adequate to grow grapes, and it’s also much cheaper to produce there. However, it puts our industries and government in an awkward position. It takes our chances to make any profits if we are purchasing foreign products rather than developing our own businesses. That’s why countries employ protective trade measures against globalization. It is important to give their own industries space to grow until they are strong enough to compete with foreign markets. The use of tariffs can be a good example, or other kind of regulations and barriers on trade arrangements. Some might ask, “how does this all fit into globalization? We all know that the economy today is fueled by imports and exports.” However, we should not forget that the world is still undergoing changes due to increased globalization. It’s true that the more open a country’s laws are the more that they can go in and out, financially and otherwise. So that’s why some people are advocates of a free trade system. They argue that if the market were completely free, then it would balance itself according to the pressures of market happening today. However, we should remember that not everybody is ready for the money to go around. The main point is that, most countries would not sacrifice their own stability in order to balance out the economies of other nations! In this point of view, the major premise of free trade, that of allowing for a less self-secure and more globally centered trade system is not very attractive to begin with. At this point of time, what might say that most nations would consider globalization if they knew that their economic stability would increase in the end. And this is where the big debate lies. Globalization is based on a theory, but in reality that theory doesn’t work out quite so smoothly. On a social level, as soon as one person wants to make more than others, globalization is thrown out the window. Then, of course, there are practical implications on the development of new businesses and industries. Globalization and an open trade market means that competition is so high that only the top companies succeed, not to mention the fact that small, family owned businesses don’t stand a chance. That’s why countries are cautious and self-defensive with respect to trade. There is a need to preserve and develop one’s own production. For both developing and developed nations right now, it’s something that’s necessary.
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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1 :
Let’s say that you are an orange farmer in South Korea, and, you are just starting up your first business. You aim to market domestically and will be able to employ over 50 laborers. What problems will you face? You would be worried about competition from South Asia and Africa, especially plantations in Philipines or Indonesia, because that’s where climates are adequate to grow grapes, and it’s also much cheaper to produce there. However, it puts our industries and government in an awkward position. It takes our chances to make any profits if we are purchasing foreign products rather than developing our own businesses. That’s why countries employ protective trade measures against globalization. It is important to give their own industries space to grow until they are strong enough to compete with foreign markets. The use of tariffs can be a good example, or other kind of regulations and barriers on trade arrangements. Some might ask, “how does this all fit into globalization? We all know that the economy today is fueled by imports and exports.” However, we should not forget that the world is still undergoing changes due to increased globalization. It’s true that the more open a country’s laws are the more that they can go in and out, financially and otherwise. So that’s why some people are advocates of a free trade system. They argue that if the market were completely free, then it would balance itself according to the pressures of market happening today. However, we should remember that not everybody is ready for the money to go around. The main point is that, most countries would not sacrifice their own stability in order to balance out the economies of other nations! In this point of view, the major premise of free trade, that of allowing for a less self-secure and more globally centered trade system is not very attractive to begin with. At this point of time, what might say that most nations would consider globalization if they knew that their economic stability would increase in the end. And this is where the big debate lies. Globalization is based on a theory, but in reality that theory doesn’t work out quite so smoothly. On a social level, as soon as one person wants to make more than others, globalization is thrown out the window. Then, of course, there are practical implications on the development of new businesses and industries. Globalization and an open trade market means that competition is so high that only the top companies succeed, not to mention the fact that small, family owned businesses don’t stand a chance. That’s why countries are cautious and self-defensive with respect to trade. There is a need to preserve and develop one’s own production. For both developing and developed nations right now, it’s something that’s necessary.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

What are some things you can do to advertise a host family to foreign exchange students?

What are some things you can do to advertise a host family to foreign exchange students?
My family is trying to host foreign exchange students from South Korea in our house. We have no income, so we have nothing else to do but this. We live in Howard County in Maryland, a #3 rated for its educational system. We want to spark some interest in those exchange students to come live and study here. We tried getting connections through a foreign exchange administering organization in South Korea, but they charge the students 5k and we get 600 per month. So we want to lower that by about 1k and receive the rest of the money; it is cheaper for the exchange student, and a plus for us. But we have absolutely NO way of selling ourselves. I was thinking website, but how can we verify our authenticity without looking suspicious as those computer ads? How can we make these people believe we are trustworthy people? PLEASE WHAT CAN WE DO? Note: We have already had one foreign exchange from South Korea, and he LOVED the experience. But connections that he gives us all say we are too expensive (because they are from a poorer region.) We do have ONE reference though; we just need to spread the word somehow. Ps. I see where you are coming from, but I would just like to state that that my siblings are the ones who are currently supporting our family in terms of income. The reason we can even stay in these parts of the neighborhood is because we can ONLY pay our morgage, electric, water, all living expenses. As for health insurance issues and such, this is all covered in the contract that we sign when they come to our house to homestay. There's even an associated dedicated to making money off of providing a house to stay in to get an education in America, so I'm sorry, but these foreign exchange students do not feel that what we do is terrible, nor do we. They require what is needed to succeed in America. They simply require a home to stay in in America, because their parents cannot afford to stay in America, but they need the good education that America provides them. I suppose it is not exactly a Foreign exchange program, more of a Rent for foreigners. Pss. The association is located in the Asian countries, so you would most likely not know about it; different rules apply, I suppose
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Your family has no income so you want to make money off the students you host. Do you not understand how completely terrible that sounds? If you are trying to host students who only want to come to the US to practice English and experience a new culture to make money, then your hearts are in entirely the wrong place. If your family has no money then you should not be hosting students--period. You should not be trying to arrange your own private hosting "service." I wouldn't be surprised if this was against the law for one (because you'll essentially be running a business without going through the proper channels), but also it is extremely dangerous for the kids involved. And I'm not saying that you are dangerous here. I'm not suggesting you might harm them purposefully in any way. What I am saying is a family with no stable income is not the right place for a host child. So you want to take this kid's family's $4,000 to use because you currently don't have an income to support yourselves. And you think $4,000 will be enough to cover not just rent and utilities and food (+ one extra mouth to feed) but also emergency expenses? How are you going to afford for the kid's health insurance? What if he gets sick and needs a doctor? What if he knocks a tooth out? What if he breaks an arm? Gets in an accident? Or even dies while he's in your care? Your family will be the ones held responsible and if you have no income I doubt you have the health insurance to cover anything. Even if you're on government-assisted health insurance, that's not going to cover the kid. Exchange programs do not exist because they like to make money. They exist to allow children a chance to experience something new. The money that goes to fund them is not just stuffed inside the wallet of the president. It's used to find further advertisement, administration costs, money to pay for the workers, and also to provide health insurance to the child so when accidents do happen, you will not be the ones held responsible.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Would a $25K Tax Credit for New Hires of Americans in USA be Good?

Would a $25K Tax Credit for New Hires of Americans in USA be Good?
This would be a one year deal. If you hire a US citizen to work for a US company in USA, then you get a tax credit for the first $25,000 that you pay to that US citizen working for your US company in USA. It's actually Constitutional to make laws for the benefit of US citizens. There's no requirement in the Constitution that every single one of our laws has to benefit somebody else, maybe in Taiwan or India, or South Korea, or China. It's OK for the Congress to help Americans. That's why we call this country OUR COUNTRY!! This tax credit is a lot of money, and businesses should not be encouraged to hire frivolously employees that are not doing real jobs just to get the tax credit -- safeguards need to be there to prevent this sort of "gaming the system" dislocation. All tax credit claims should be scrutinized carefully to make sure they are justified and in good faith -- actual factual good faith -- not phony, not contrived rip offs. But you get more of the things you reward. If you massively reward hiring US citizens in USA, you will get more of that. If you can break the back of unemployment -- you can break the back of this Recession. Once people are being paid to do jobs, they have money. When they have money, demand picks up. When there is demand, business picks up. When business picks up then all the greedy millionaires become multi-millionaires, and the multi-millionaires become billionaires. So the employable are benefitted, the businesses are benefitted, and as usual the rich are benefitted. The only people that don't get a benefit here are the hard core unemployable. But this isn't the first place, they have failed to get a benefit, so please don't hold that against my suggestion. The structurally indigent poor we will always have with us -- you imagine that I thought of that -- but actually somebody said it before me. Guess who. So, what's the downside? I was hoping you wouldn't ask, but now you have, so I'll be frank. Tax rates go back to 1999 levels for everybody, rich, poor, middle class, everybody. You can't spend all money in all directions all the time on everything and then expect to have any money. My suggestion is better than the Obama plan because it is laser pinpoint focused on the actual problem I am trying to solve. I want to end the Great Recession. So I want more Americans employed in USA. So, that's what I want to spend my money on --- Reward what you really want. You get more of what you reward. You think I should get the Peter Drucker Prize for Management by Objectives, but I will actually settle for two smelt and a scrod, thank you so much, just toss them into my pool. Ahhhhh... that is delicious!! The Little Friend of all Mankind -- Dolphin314etc HOW ABOUT SOME ANSWERS THAT REFLECT THAT YOU READ MY QUESTION -- AND ASSESSED IT CONTENTS -- NOT JUST KNEEJERK FRIEDMANISM. I TAUGHT ECON 101 THREE DECADES AGO, SO I KNOW WHAT FRIEDMAN SAYS. BUT WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT MY SPECIFIC PROPOSAL -- NOT YOUR CUT AND PASTE BOILERPLATE THAT YOU HEARD ON LIMBAUGH/HANNITY/BECK. WHY WOULD IT BE SO BAD TO TRY TO GET SOME AMERICANS HIRED IN USA? WHY WOULD SPENDING MONEY IN THE HANDS OF THE MIDDLE CLASS BE SO CONTRARY TO HELPING THE RECOVERY? WHY WOULD A STRONG ONE YEAR PROGRAM TO BREAK THE RECESSION BE THE END OF CAPITALISM? JUST A FEW MOMENTS OF THOUGHT -- IS THAT ASKING TOO MUCH? DOH!
Other - Politics & Government - 2 Answers
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1 :
The tax credit is just a gimmick meant to make it look like the Obama administration is doing something. Tax credits to hire employees only make sense if the employer has a need to hire employees, which would happen whether or not there is a tax credit. The only reason to hire someone is that you have more work than can be accomplished by your current labor force. Until and unless we lower tax rates for everyone, we will have 10% or more unemployment
2 :
1. Make all of the Bush Tax Cuts Permanent 2. Make major cuts in government spending including major cuts in entitlement programs 3. Get rid of all the government regulations that hurt business 4. Leave the market alone to fix economic and marketing problems