Sunday, September 1, 2013

Would a $25K Tax Credit for New Hires of Americans in USA be Good?

Would a $25K Tax Credit for New Hires of Americans in USA be Good?
This would be a one year deal. If you hire a US citizen to work for a US company in USA, then you get a tax credit for the first $25,000 that you pay to that US citizen working for your US company in USA. It's actually Constitutional to make laws for the benefit of US citizens. There's no requirement in the Constitution that every single one of our laws has to benefit somebody else, maybe in Taiwan or India, or South Korea, or China. It's OK for the Congress to help Americans. That's why we call this country OUR COUNTRY!! This tax credit is a lot of money, and businesses should not be encouraged to hire frivolously employees that are not doing real jobs just to get the tax credit -- safeguards need to be there to prevent this sort of "gaming the system" dislocation. All tax credit claims should be scrutinized carefully to make sure they are justified and in good faith -- actual factual good faith -- not phony, not contrived rip offs. But you get more of the things you reward. If you massively reward hiring US citizens in USA, you will get more of that. If you can break the back of unemployment -- you can break the back of this Recession. Once people are being paid to do jobs, they have money. When they have money, demand picks up. When there is demand, business picks up. When business picks up then all the greedy millionaires become multi-millionaires, and the multi-millionaires become billionaires. So the employable are benefitted, the businesses are benefitted, and as usual the rich are benefitted. The only people that don't get a benefit here are the hard core unemployable. But this isn't the first place, they have failed to get a benefit, so please don't hold that against my suggestion. The structurally indigent poor we will always have with us -- you imagine that I thought of that -- but actually somebody said it before me. Guess who. So, what's the downside? I was hoping you wouldn't ask, but now you have, so I'll be frank. Tax rates go back to 1999 levels for everybody, rich, poor, middle class, everybody. You can't spend all money in all directions all the time on everything and then expect to have any money. My suggestion is better than the Obama plan because it is laser pinpoint focused on the actual problem I am trying to solve. I want to end the Great Recession. So I want more Americans employed in USA. So, that's what I want to spend my money on --- Reward what you really want. You get more of what you reward. You think I should get the Peter Drucker Prize for Management by Objectives, but I will actually settle for two smelt and a scrod, thank you so much, just toss them into my pool. Ahhhhh... that is delicious!! The Little Friend of all Mankind -- Dolphin314etc HOW ABOUT SOME ANSWERS THAT REFLECT THAT YOU READ MY QUESTION -- AND ASSESSED IT CONTENTS -- NOT JUST KNEEJERK FRIEDMANISM. I TAUGHT ECON 101 THREE DECADES AGO, SO I KNOW WHAT FRIEDMAN SAYS. BUT WHAT DO YOU SAY ABOUT MY SPECIFIC PROPOSAL -- NOT YOUR CUT AND PASTE BOILERPLATE THAT YOU HEARD ON LIMBAUGH/HANNITY/BECK. WHY WOULD IT BE SO BAD TO TRY TO GET SOME AMERICANS HIRED IN USA? WHY WOULD SPENDING MONEY IN THE HANDS OF THE MIDDLE CLASS BE SO CONTRARY TO HELPING THE RECOVERY? WHY WOULD A STRONG ONE YEAR PROGRAM TO BREAK THE RECESSION BE THE END OF CAPITALISM? JUST A FEW MOMENTS OF THOUGHT -- IS THAT ASKING TOO MUCH? DOH!
Other - Politics & Government - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The tax credit is just a gimmick meant to make it look like the Obama administration is doing something. Tax credits to hire employees only make sense if the employer has a need to hire employees, which would happen whether or not there is a tax credit. The only reason to hire someone is that you have more work than can be accomplished by your current labor force. Until and unless we lower tax rates for everyone, we will have 10% or more unemployment
2 :
1. Make all of the Bush Tax Cuts Permanent 2. Make major cuts in government spending including major cuts in entitlement programs 3. Get rid of all the government regulations that hurt business 4. Leave the market alone to fix economic and marketing problems