Ways that 3 high school girls can raise money to go on an international trip?
For graduation my friends and I want to take a trip to South Korea. That won't be for a while though. But need to get a lot of money to do so. Any suggestions on "safe" ways to make money would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Oh! Uhh....just so you know....we are only Sophmores....so yeah....uh...we still have a while.
Other - Destinations - 26 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Have you ever seen the movie TAKEN lol? good luck
2 :
Get a job... That's the best way to make money...
3 :
work at kfc,
4 :
I think babysitting is a good thing to try!
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Damn, you included safe in there... lol Well if your in high school I would start off with a job! any other ways might not be "safe"
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7 :
Car Wash! Bake Sale! Make a cookbook and sell it!
8 :
Get a job and save your money.
9 :
Try babysitting or tutoring. These are two easy ways to make a lot of money, and fast, too.
10 :
prostitution,,, with with protection,,, that makes it safe...
11 :
good ole' car wash. guys like watching ;)
12 :
If you're hot, do a carwash. If not, bake sale, organize dances, plays, other random fun events. Get a job...
13 :
I know this sounds a little obvious. How about jobs?
14 :
uhm well in the movies a good ole car wash in bikinis always worked
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bake sale?? car wash?? hope this help?
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You can have bake sales, garage sales, organize a concert, have a car wash I hope this helps
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umm car wash? garage sale? lemonade? jobs? applications? rich friends? rich parents? dog walking? babysitting? yard work? chores? job?
18 :
get a job or sell things that you dont use/ need any more (or go dumpster diving and sell the things you find) have a car wash with friends
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car wash baby sitting dog sitting lawn mowing gardening cleaning lemon aid stand
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Get a job. Especially during the summer you can work hardcore. Paper route if no one is hiring? Telemarketing?
22 :
since you are HS senors, you all can get part time jobs on weekdays, and full time on weekends, (at restaurants, because you can get tips) Also consider the accommodations at hotels, food, and souvenirs, you also may want to spend some time in the summer to get full time jobs for a few weeks to save money. Tutoring also can make you up to $50.00 an hour!!
23 :
Well I'm raising money to go on a trip and my friends and I are having a car wash in our school's parking lot...just an idea....oh also you could also have a gold party! theyre super fun and basically you find a company that does this (they do it to raise $$) and you have your mom invite friends. The friends bring their old gold jewelry and get the gold exchanged for money. Then the host (you) gets 10% .....our friends had one for their adoption and she got over 700$ from just 20 somethin people comin....good luck! and have fun...
24 :
I'm currently raising money to go on a class trip to China in a few months and i would definitely NOT recommend selling any kind of candy. It takes a lot of work and you do not receive a lot of the profit. I would have a jewelry sale or something like that at home. You can buy nice jewelry for cheap prices from wholesalers or at gift shows, then sell them for their retail value (usually around twice the wholesale price- or more!) You could also send letters to local business owners or family asking for donations. Hope that helps!
25 :
1)saving money you would usually spend on cinema,snacks ect. 2)selling old clothes,game consoles ect. 3)car washing 4)get a part time job/work extra hours
26 :
What are your hobbies; cooking, writing, pets, children, etc. Try to do what you know or think you can do good at. Then tell your friends to do the same. All three of you can save up money and use the potluck system. All chip in and use it evenly on transportation and somewhere to rest. You only have like 2 months so start within the week. Get a job(other than fastfood or cashier). Try to join some freelance(you write stories so you don't go into work, you work at your own pace.) job along with chores. Go around and try to book all your weekends with odd-jobs. It may be very tedious and boring, but it all pays off in the end. Never go with instant gratification(going out on the weekends). P.S. My family is native to South Korea, your going to love it.