On just a basic car audio headunit, will a preamp boost sound quality & power?
Hey everyone... I live South Korea... I just bought a Renault-Samsung 2011 SM5... However I did not choose the Bose audio option... [BIG REGRETS] and I really really am disappointed with the stock panasonic sound system. The bass and power overall is just a major disappointment. With that said... I went to the Car Audio store and asked what my options were.. without spending a boat load of money on custom car audio equipment & installation.. *important note* I dont want to redo the whole system with amplifiers, speakers, woofers, etc... I just want to make my system sound "stock Bose / JBL-ish* I dont need a huge thumping system that will break my budget... Anyways.... The Car Audio place after much thought... told me that installing a Preamp and connecting it to my stock headunit will improve the power and sound quality dramatically..... Is this correct and can anyone confirm and give me their advice on if this is actually the best way to go??? Thanks.
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It will just make it louder. You need quality speakers. Like 2ways and tweeters with subs or 3ways and 1ways with tweeters.